Policy plan

1 Introduction

The Hilltree Foundation (also known as the Hilltree Foundation) was created out of a desire to give back to society. Over the course of their lives, the founders have been impressed by the passion and dedication of a variety of people who are committed to a better society, the well-being of others and sustainable nature conservation. Hilltree Foundation is keen to support small-scale projects at home and abroad. The foundation wants to help make a difference by supporting projects that were started by enthusiastic people with few means but which already make a relevant contribution to the welfare of others and their living environment. The foundation is especially looking for projects that directly appeal to them, where the directors can feel personally involved and where they get energy from.

2 Strategy

2.1 Core principles

As included in article 2 of the articles of association, Hilltree Foundation supports small-scale projects in the Netherlands or abroad. An important condition is that these projects are set up by individuals who have few financial resources, but who through their commitment, creativity and perseverance have succeeded in bringing about a significant improvement in the living conditions of other people. The objectives of the projects can be diverse, but they must always serve the common good: the project may have been started to alleviate the suffering of people who are physically and/or mentally vulnerable or to provide people with more future prospects and development opportunities. Projects for the promotion and protection of animal and nature conservation are also eligible. Projects that deal with a combination of the above objectives are also eligible.
The financial support of Hilltree Foundation varies per project. The progress of the projects that have received financial support is regularly reported to the board. For a number of projects a (conditional) multi-year commitment is given.
With its objectives, Hilltree Foundation wants to serve the general interest. The foundation has no profit motive. All proceeds are used to finance projects that fall within the objectives of the foundation.
A positive liquidation balance must be spent on behalf of an ANBI with a similar objective or on behalf of a foreign institution that exclusively or almost exclusively aims at the general benefit and has a similar objective.

Policy / Policy intentions 2021/22

3.1 Activities of the foundation

The foundation performs the following activities: identifying, assessing and funding projects that are eligible for support, as well as providing advice where appropriate. By doing so, the foundation contributes to the realization of the objective as stated in article 2 of the statutes.

3.2 Fundraising and management of funds

The foundation does not raise funds. The capital of the foundation is held in cash at a financial institution or professional asset manager that is supervised by DNB and/or the AFM.
The board consists of at least 3 persons and has a chairman, a treasurer and a secretary. The chairman chairs the meetings in which both the policy and the individual projects are discussed and assessed. The treasurer supervises the management of the assets and the keeping of a proper administration. The secretary runs the secretariat and/or supervises the proper implementation of the decisions taken by the board.
The policy is to spend the capital entirely on the projects that fall within the objective of the foundation. It is not an objective in itself but as a guideline the board aims to annually donate at least 5%-10% of the capital to the projects it approves.
The foundation strives to ensure that the management & administration costs do not exceed 1% of the capital.

3.3 Capital of the foundation

The institution shall not hold more capital than is reasonably necessary to ensure the continuity of the foreseen activities on behalf of the objective of the foundation.
An annual balance sheet and a statement of income and expenditure are drawn up by an external auditor.

3.4 Spending policy

The institution spends the income received in accordance with the objective. In previous years, projects were supported both in the Netherlands (e.g. Study Halls, Welcome App, Antar Foundation) and abroad (e.g. Home of Hope in Sri Lanka, Lion Heart Foundation in Sierra Leone and Julia Kids Foundation in Vietnam). The board’s goal remains to identify those projects where Hilltree’s contribution (financial and otherwise) helps make a substantial difference. The consequence of this choice is that attention is primarily paid to small-scale projects. In some projects, we fulfil a bridging function for a few years, after which the charity in question is able to attract the next level of supporters. For the years 2021 and 2022 there is a nice challenge to continue to identify enough new projects that fit this policy.

3.5 Disposing of the institution’s assets

Based on article 6 of the statutes of the foundation and its actual activities, no (legal) person has decisive control within the institution. Thus, no legal entity or individual may dispose of the assets of the foundation as if they were its own assets.

4.1 Remuneration policy

The members of the board receive no remuneration for their work. Expenses incurred in the performance of the directorship are reimbursed, provided they are not excessive. The foundation has no staff.

4.2 Description of the administrative organization

The board of Hilltree Foundation consists of:
Elsbeth van Rhijn: Chairman
Lodewijk van der Heijden: Treasurer
Paul Hugenholtz: Secretary
The administration of the foundation is carried out by the board.
The annual accounts of the institution are drawn up by Mons en van Kan B.V.

4.3 Publication duty

The institution fulfills its obligation to publish by means of website www.hilltree.org